Publications and Conference Presentations

Prostate Cancer

Usefulness of urinary biomarker-based risk score and multiparametric MRI for clinically
significant prostate cancer detection in biopsy-naïve patients

Abdominal Radiology. 2025 Jan 25.

Authors: Kemesiene J., Nicolau C., Cholstauskas G., Zviniene K., Lopeta M., Veneviciute S., Asmenaviciute I., Tamosauskaite K., Pikuniene I., Jievaltas M.

Results: 208 (mean age 62.9 years +/- 8.2) men were included prospectively. The combination of Diagnolita prostate cancer risk test with MRI showed significantly higher sensitivity (99.1%) than Diagnolita test and MRI alone, 84.4% and 93.8%, respectively (p ≤ 0.05). Similarly, very high sensitivity (99.0%) was achieved by combining MRI with PCPTCR2. Nevertheless, MRI plus Diagnolita test combination exceeded MRI plus PCPTCR2 by allowing to save a higher fraction of unnecessary biopsies, 25% and 2.4%, respectively.

Relevance: the performance of the Diagnolita biomarker test was evaluated in a cohort very different from the one used for its development. The development cohort included patients undergoing both initial and repeat biopsies, with only systematic biopsies performed. In contrast, the aforementioned study focused solely on biopsy-naïve patients and incorporated both systematic and targeted biopsies.

Usefulness of urinary biomarker-based risk score and multiparametric MRI for clinically
significant prostate cancer detection

30th European Symposium on Urogenital Radiology ESUR 2024

Authors: Kemesiene J., Nicolau C., Cholstauskas G., Zviniene K., Lopeta M., Asmenaviciute I., Pikuniene I., Jievaltas M.

Results: Diagnolita prostate cancer biomarker test, MRI, PCPTRC2, and their combinations were used for clinically significant prostate cancer detection. MRI and Diagnolita prostate cancer test showed higher performance than PCPTRC2 in potential to save unncessesary prostate biopsies while keeping high sensitivity.

Comparison of PCA3 and T:E biomarkers’ diagnostic value using pair-matched post-DRE and pre-DRE urine samples

European Congress of Radiology 2024

Authors: Kemesiene J., Cholstauskas G., Zviniene K., Lopeta M., Veneviciute S., Jievaltas M.

Results: clinically significant prostate cancer was detected in 103 of 193 subjects (53.4%). The specificity of the PCA3 and T:E combination in detecting clinically significant cancer was statistically significantly higher for urine collected after prostate massage than for urine collected without prostate massage, 30.0% and 15.6%, respectively (p=0.005), while the sensitivity was not statistically significantly different.

Urine RNA sequencing to find biomarkers for high-risk prostate cancer prediction

European Urology Open Science 2022;44(Suppl 2):S187

Authors: Lopeta M., Paliksa S., Belevicius J., Barisiene M., Bakavicius A., Mickevicius R., Zilys S., Ulys A., Juodele L., Jankevicius F., Jievaltas M., Gagilas J.

Results: >50,000 genes were detected including ~17,000 protein-coding and ~36,000 nkRNA genes from Ensembl and mitranscriptome databases. 14 genes were identified as DEGs and 6 of them were removed due to lack of enrichment after prostate massage. The selection included notable PCA3 and ERG biomarkers which were forced into the LASSO model for the prediction of high-risk PC. The cross-validated AUC value for the model was 0.76 and it was higher than PSA (0.70). The final model included only one additional biomarker as statistical power was low. Thus, further validation of candidate markers is needed.

Evaluation of urine biomarkers for high risk prostate cancer diagnostics

European Urology Open Science 2022;40(Suppl 1):S12

Authors: Veneviciute S., Lopeta M., Paliksa S., Gagilas J., Barisiene M., Bakavicius A., Mickevicius R., Zilys S., Ulys A., Juodele L., Jankevicius F., Jievaltas M.

Results: ACPP and KLK3 gene transcripts were selected as best combination for biomarkers normalization. Biomarkers that showed increased relative quantity after DRE (p<0.05) were further analysed by LASSO analysis. 6 urine biomarkers after this analysis were selected for prediction of clinically significant (Gleason ≥7) PC (Fig 1). Estimated AUC value for model was 0.78 (95% CI: 0.68 – 0.88).


Diagnostic performance of PCA3 and TMPRSS2:ERG biomarkers in prostate cancer patients urine collected with and without prostate massage

European Urology Supplements 2019;18(3):e2427

Authors: Paliksa S., Gagilas J., Lopeta M., Ukanis M., Kasiliauskiene L., Jurgeleviciute L., Zutautaite I., Barisiene M. , Bakavicius A. ,Mickevicius R. , Zilys S. , Zykus A. , Ulys A. , Juodele L. , Jankevicius F. , Jievaltas M. , Janulaitis A.

Results: PCA3 and TMPRSS2:ERG biomarkers in combination with PSA density and patients age demonstrated high diagnostic performance (AUC) for both prostate cancer and high grade (GS7+) prostate cancer in urine without DRE. After the DRE diagnostic performance, specificity and NPV of the tested biomarkers was higher.

Biomedical research: „Prostatos vėžio diagnostika“, protocol No. 2015-PVD, approval No. L-15-06/1. Research was carried out from 2015 to 2018. Results of the research were utilized for the development of non-invasive prostate cancer test.



SARS-CoV-2 RT-qPCR Ct values in saliva and nasopharyngeal swab samples for disease severity prediction

J Oral Microbiol. 2023; 15(1): 2213106

Authors: Snipaitiene K., Zablockiene B., Sabaliauskaite R., Zukauskaite K., Matulyte E., Smalinskaite T., Paulauskas M., Zablockis R., Lopeta M., Gagilas J., Puriene A., Jancoriene L., Jarmalaite S.

Results: SARS-CoV-2 was detected in 65% vs. 53% of nasopharyngeal swab samples (NPSs) and 49% vs. 48% of saliva samples (SSs) collected from Cohort I (mild+moderate disease, N = 47) and II (severe disease, N = 53), respectively, resulting in the total respective detection rates of 58% vs. 48% (P = 0.017). Ct values of SSs were lower than those of NPSs (mean Ct = 28.01 vs. 30.07, P = 0.002). Although Ct values of the first SSs were significantly lower in Cohort I than in Cohort II (P = 0.04), it became negative earlier (mean 11.7 vs. 14.8 days, P = 0.005). Multivariate Cox proportional hazards regression analysis showed that Ct value ≤30 from SSs was the independent predictor for severe COVID-19 (HR = 10.06, 95% CI: 1.84–55.14, P = 0.008).


Saliva Testing is a Robust Non-Invasive Method for SARS-CoV-2 RNA Detection

Infect Drug Resist. 2021 Jul 27;14:2943-2951.

Authors: Paliksa S., Lopeta M., Belevicius J., Kurmauskaite V., Asmenaviciute I., Pereckaite L., Vitkauskiene A., Baliutyte I., Valentaite M., Mickiene A., Gagilas J.

Results: We found a good concordance between the nasopharyngeal (NP) swab and saliva samples. The positive percent agreement was 98.28% (CI 90.76-99.96%) and negative percent agreement was 98.11% (CI 89.93-99.95%). Additionally, we observed a statistically significant (p<0.05) and moderately strong (R = 0.53) correlation between Ct values in saliva and NP swab samples. The saliva collection method is more robust since the Ct variation of internal control ribonuclease P mRNA detection is lower in saliva samples.

Biomedical research: „SARS-CoV-2 viruso nustatymo seilių mėginiuose tyrimas”, protocol No. CoV-2020-1, approval No. BE-2-72, research period from 2020-10 to 2021-03.